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Indolab Artha Medika
Acid Phosphatase(ACP)Stain

Intended Use
This kit is for staining bone marrow cell and bloodcell smear.
Acid Phosphatese stain is based on diazotization-coupling principle. At pH0.5, Acid Phosphatase hydrolyzes Naphthol AS-Bl Phosphoric Acid and releases Naphthol AS-B1 to mix with diazonium salt and form insolublecolored precipitate in cytoplasm.
1. Fixative (solution A)
2. Fast Garnet Gbc Base (solution B)
3. Sodium Nitrite (solution C)
4. Naphthol AS-Bl Phosphoric Acid Solution (solution D)
5. Buffer (solution E)
6. Methyl Green (solution F)
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