Indolab Artha Medika
Trichrome stain
Intended Use
BaSO’s trichrome stain is intended for rapid staining and differentiation of intestinal parasites.
Diagnosis of enteric parasitic disease is confirmed by detection and identification of pathogenic organisms in fecal specimens. In 1951, Wheatly developed a modified trichrome technique for the demonstration of Entamoeba histolytica cysts and trophozoites in a case of amebiasis. From then on, permanent staining of fecal smears by trichrome technique of Wheatly has been widely used as a sensitive diagnostic tool for the detection of intestinal parasites.
BASO’s trichrome stain provides excellent contrast and visualization of cellular details that facilitates the detection of intestinal parasites while differentiating organisms from fecal debris and artifacts. It contains two major dyes, Chromotope 2R and Light green. Chromotrope 2R stains nuclear chromatin, chromatoid bodies, karyosomes, parasite eggs and larvae, Charcot-Leyden crystals, and RBCs red to purple-red. Light green stains the cytoplasm of cysts, trophozoites, and cellular constituents blue-green.
Trichrome stain solution